Genevieve’s War

Genevieve’s War

This book is about a girl named Genevieve. Genevieve is at her grandmother’s farm in Alsace, France and when she needs to go back home in New York she decides to stay with her grandmother. It is a very dangerous decision because World War II erupts and the Nazis take over France and start to take over private homes including Genevieve’s grandmother’s farmhouse. This was a great book and it made you feel all of Genevieve’s feelings you can even…

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The Bridge to Neverland.

The Bridge to Neverland.

This book is about a brother named Aidan and a sister named Sarah. They find a paper in a antique desk their father had just purchased and they follow clues to find the entrance to Neverland using starstuff. While they’re doing that Lord Ombra the main bad guy tries to steal the starstuff to come to full power.



Summer has just started and I am so excited. I have already gone to the library twice. This summer is going to be awesome for me and I hope it is for you too. Happy Summer everybody!

Fairytale Twist 1 /2

Fairytale Twist 1 /2

Remember The School for Good and Evil? Well, that was Fairytale Twist 1. This is Fairytale Twist 2,The School for Good and Evil: A World Without Princes, where Agatha wishes for Tedros, a prince, to fall in love with her. Agatha falls for Tedros after pulling him from Sophie to keep the girls’ Ever After. Weirdly enough though, it‘s Agatha‘s wishing for him that opens up the secret gates that keep the fairy tale world separate from the real one….

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First Book

First Book

My first book is called The School of Good and Evil by Soman Chainani. Sounds interesting, right? Well, it is and only the first book of the series! It’s about two girls and a schoolmaster. The girls names are Sophie and Agatha , the schoolmaster’s name is Schoolmaster. The interesting part begins when the Schoolmaster comes into Sophie and Agatha’s town to kidnap two children.  Wait, one more thing.  The Schoolmaster comes every four years to kidnap two children to go…

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First Post

First Post

Hello everyone. I’m going to be using this blog to post my reviews of books, publish some of my own writing, and occasionally just talk about my life. I hope everyone involved has fun.